Pre-Built Data Processing Logic

and Power BI Reports

Bolt on Blackbird’s logic to your favorite data subscription.

Ben will help transfer logic to your environment and point internally to your favorite data subscription like Enverus, S&P Global, Hart, WellDatabase or other

Answers from oil & gas supply data:

  • Which counties are seeing the most oil and gas production growth?
    • How many wells are being drilled by who, and where?
    • How long are the horizontal laterals and what are the initial-production (IP) rates?
  • Who are the top operators in each basin, county or formation?
    • How have their monthly production volumes trended since 2014?
    • How do their IP rates, Gas/Oil ratios, decline rates and other metrics compare?
  • Who are the smaller operators that are growing production?
  • Which areas are seeing new well permit activity and who is planning to drill?
  • How many drilled wells are waiting on completion or infrastructure?
  • Where is rig count increasing and how many are drilling horizontal wells?
  • How have gas prices trended compared to supply and demand?
    • What is expected over the next 18 months for natural gas markets?
    • How are current storage levels trending compared to prior years?
    • Where and how much are we importing from Canada and exporting to Mexico?
    • Which LNG terminals are exporting gas and where is it going?

Bolt on Blackbird’s logic to your favorite data subscription.